Frustrations with significant other 🙄

Andrea • FTM to a beautiful baby girl 💖 Veterinary Technician 👩‍⚕️🐈🐕

Starting to get frustrated with my fiancé for saying that I hold my baby too much. That I’m “cuddling her too much so she’s not going to learn how to be alone.” Ummm? She’s a BABY. A 2 month old. All they need is love right now! I go back to work in a month and he will say that I will be making things more difficult for myself because I love on my baby 24/7. He doesn’t understand the bond mothers have with their babies. We are their source of comfort, love, nourishment, and protection. I may be sleep deprived, starving, or nearly pissing my pants. But if/when my baby needs me I will be there! I can’t just “put her down”.