Should I consider this to be good news?


Had a productive phone appointment with my obgyn. She is going to run another blood test on me before my appointment next Tuesday to see if it comes back positive or negative.

If both the blood test on Tues and the hpt she wants me to do on the 27th come back negative, then she wants me to use the provera to try to kickstart menses + lose approximately 5-10% of my current weight (~170 lbs (primarily muscle & 22.9% body fat).

She and I also discussed that there may be external factors that are stressing me out but there is not much I can do about them.

She did say that if menses doesn't start back by the next month or so and I've lost the weight, then she may refer me to the fertility clinic as a last resort since I am 31 and my husband and I do want more kids besides just our son.