Am I overreacting? Need advice

Before my husband and I were married, he worked at job #1. He once told me this teammate was cool because they worked in a movie etc. I had no idea who is this person was but agreed. Months later, I see a message of him flirting with a girl on his phone! I was heartbroken. Turns out it was this woman was who he had thought was cool months ago. I was really upset and lost a lot of trust.

I forgave him and gave him the chance to rebuild my trust. We had been together for 10 years and I wasn’t going to let it all go down the drain without trying to heal. Time went on and we were happy again and we got married.

Months and months later, my husband lands a job #2 (I work there too but in a different department). I find out that this woman works there too but not on the same team. This week, I have found that she has moved her way to his team!! I was so upset, I wanted to break down at work. It’s not his fault that she got transferred to his team but all the mistrust and anxiety was overwhelming. When I got to the car at the end of the day, I just broke down in front of him. Mind you, I am a little over 3 months pregnant.

Am I overreacting?