My life (or last weeks of pregnancy) has been changed!!!!


Ladies!! If you don’t already have KT tape, you need it now!! I tried a support band and it didn’t really provide relief, it was more uncomfortable than helpful.

Another pregnant momma recommended KT Kinesiology Tape to me. It has literally changed my life! I’m 31.5 weeks and in extreme pain pretty regularly... Hard to sleep, aching back, throbbing pelvis—you know the deal. This tape provided INSTANT relief! I literally feel like a new woman.

It’s not a cure all as the pain isn’t completely gone & by the end of the day I’m still sore. However, I feel like I’ve lifted 25 pounds off of my pelvis (and bladder!!) and it’s much easier to get through the day. Hopefully this can help provide the same relief for others!!

Here’s the article...

I got my tape on Amazon for $10.97!! Already ordered another roll!

Hang in there beautiful mommas!