Crying/screaming after eating


Does anyone else’s baby cry/scream after eating. Mine does this and it drives me crazy! When she first started doing it I thought maybe she was still hungry so I started giving her a extra ounce...well did that and then she was getting super fussy so I called the doctor and she said maybe she’s getting overfeed so she wanted me to bump her back down to 5 every 3 hours. Turns out the fussiness is from teething.. So then I bumped her down to what she was eating and she’s better but still cries and screams when it’s all gone for about a minute. Once she’s distracted she’s fine but I don’t want her going hungry. I just feel she should be more content than she is. Does she think she’s still hungry but she’s really not..? I also try to burp her half way and she trows the biggest fit! Will not stop crying till I put the bottle back in her mouth. I tried putting her paci in her mouth to suck on while she tries to burp and that worked for a while but then she figured out my trick and very rarely works now. She’s 3 months and eating 5 ounces every 3 hours and she’s barely lasting 3 hours. Anyone have any suggestions. When I fed her 6 she would spit up a lot more but seemed more content and would last longer than 3 hours...idk what to do!