Eventful night!


A couple of weeks ago, I was painting our basement and I got horrible pains in my side that were intense enough for me to have to sit down. After sitting, it was another 10 minutes or so before the pain would start to subside. I decided to start timing them and, of course, they stopped. I brought it up to my midwife at my next appointment and she told me to go to the OB floor if it happened again. Last night when I was cleaning the kitchen, the same thing started. I went in thinking it might be a UTI, as I've had kidney infections in the past. They took a urine sample, bacterial swab, and hooked me up to monitors. It turned out I was having contractions every 5 minutes lasting for about a minute. This really surprised me. All of my tests came back negative. They gave me a pill and fluids to stop the contractions (33+3 weeks). They slowly decreased, but not much, so they gave me another dose. They decreased again, but didn't stop completely. I am still not sure what the pain in my side was since contractions are across the whole stomach. It really felt like what I've experienced accompanying kidney infections. I'm just so confused! While I was being monitored, I began to recognize when I was having a contraction, but the pain didn't necessarily coincide with the contractions. They sent me home and told me to come back in if it got worse. Has anyone had similar experiences?