Am tired!!!!

Am so tired or am feeling sick, am useless!!!  Anyone that comes to my house can see that am like a rag doll. Not throwing up too much but feeling like I want to do nothing. Am about as helpful as my dogs or so I feel!! 
My husband has to keep up with the house. I babysit in my home full time so our house can get pretty messy. I can keep everyone happy but to get them to go above and beyond playing and eating, NOT HAPPENING!  I can hardly get the laundry done alone for my family of four. 
I make lunch for everyone. They eat I throw left overs in the sink, grab crackers and water and sit. Food marks, dirty dishes, my house is falling apart but I just can't get a handle. Every weekend my husband has to put it back to together. I feel terrible and he gets mad but hides it! It's so hard my husband and I were married 8 years (13 yrs this April) with no kids we can get through a week of housework without and discussion. Easy! Yeah not so much now that AM SO TIRED!!! It's like honey you take care of the mess we all made thanks.