Marriage question??


Please help, my husband and I have been together 8 years and been married 3 and I really want kids but he doesn’t right now. We are living In an apartment right now because we haven’t found a home we like yet. He said he is willing to have kids once we get a home ( we been house hunting for 8 months now) and I hear so many people say they didn’t find a house until they had been looking 2 or more years! I don’t know what to do cause I agree it would be smarter to wait till we feel super financially stable and have a home but I really want children and want to start trying and see if I do get pregnant( only been off the pill 3 months).

Have you and your significant other disagreed when you wanted kids and if so how’d you deal with it?

It is making not only our relationship feel awkward but also our sex life when I ask him to be natural and yet he reaches for a condom anyways.

any advice?