I feel like such a horrible mom & girlfriend :(

My boyfriend just got promoted at work, and his hours are now way longer. He works from 3:30 am to 4:30 pm, and when he gets home at 5:30, he’s ready to shower & go to bed. Which leaves me with our daughter alone. She misses him, I miss him, and he doesn’t hardly get to talk to me during the day. I’m a stay at home mom, and he takes my car to work. So I get no adult interaction at all unless it’s for the hour or two that I see him when he’s home, or if I go to the store in the evenings.

I feel like such a bad mom because the past few days have been really tough with a teething baby, and I just want a few minutes to drive or shower by myself..

I feel like a bad girlfriend because I’m asking too much of my boyfriend to help me with our daughter after he works so much. :(