6 weeks, hCG 520, bled yesterday, now nothing

Brittany • Brooklynn's Momma 👶🏻💖

Yesterday after lunch I used the restroom at work. I discovered bleeding, enough to wipe 3 or 4 times. My coworker drove me to the ER where my husband broke the land speed record to meet us. After a transvaginal ultrasound the Dr said they "couldnt find anything." He said I may not be as far along as I thought. Last period was Dec 6. They drew blood and my hCG level was 520mIU/mL, which he said was too low to be 6 weeks along. He said it could be ectopic, it could be tubal, it could be a miscarriage or it could be normal...really? You literally just gave me every single outcome possible. Everyone was so cold and emotionless. I called my OB and she wants me to do another blood test tomorrow. I assume they're checking to see if my hCG is increasing or decreasing. She will call me Sunday with the results. Meanwhile I've had slight cramping but no bleeding at all....and did I mention I am going out of my mind??! I am on an emotional rollercoaster of heart break and a glimpse of hope. Any advise out there? What can I do to distract my racing mind and broken heart?