Feeling insecure.....

Hello my fellow community of beautiful gals,

This is the first time I actually post something on here and I can say that I am quite nervous because I’m not sure if I will get any responses back or what people might think....so please bare with me!

I am 20 years old and have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now and I can most definitely say that it has not all been perfect. A lot has happened within these past 2 years which if I get into detail it will take me all night and a couple of days.....So, long story short, last year (2018) in November I had a gut feeling about going on is phone because of a girl he used to have a thing with before we started going out. I go on his Instagram because that’s where I saw her name pop up and I noticed that there were a few messages sent back and forth. In one message he called her a cutie and in another (the one that got to me the most) he said ( and I quote) “when are we hanging out again? I miss your beautiful ass”. Let me tell you that at the moment I saw that dm so many emotions ran through my head that the first thing I did was leave his house because I just couldn’t see him. Some of you might say that I overreacted but I felt like I didn’t. I felt and still feel like I had the right to get mad and upset for his actions, and this isn’t the only time he’s done that. That same day I saw other messages, not a lot, but a few of him just calling girls cute and even saying “bumming but still looking cute” with kissy faces. These girls are of course pretty with a flat stomach and what not. I on the other hand...I don’t think I’m ugly but when it comes to these other girls that he calls cute and beautiful I’m probably 4-5 compared to them.

Anyway....I wanted to give you all a little background story of it all for you to understand why I decided to write this post. Lately I’ve been feeling really insecure with myself for some reason that every time I think about it, I think of those messages and comments he messaged those girls and it just hurts. Writing this post even has me tearing up lol. He doesn’t call me beautiful, cute or any cute shit that he did when he messaged those girls. It’s like to them he gives them the time of day to make them feel good about themselves but when it comes to me it’s like “whatever, your my girlfriend you already know you’re beautiful” but it’s like no....I don’t. And I hint it ALL the time. I literally send him posts from Instagram and just hints for him to take and he sees them but does nothing.

Like I said in the beginning, I wrote this post to see if anyone has any advice or just something to say. But now that I have fully read what I wrote I think I might have just used this as a way to vent what I feel....

Goodnight beauties❤️