When to decide to exclusively pump


Hi, I’ve had a lot of issues with breastfeeding. Maddie was born 3 weeks early (she’s a little over 3 months) and didn’t latch on correctly. Coupled with my “short” nipples, we didn’t get off to a good start. I supplement with formula and use a shield. For a good month and a half, breastfeeding was fine, albeit I still had to supplement. But I got a clogged duct about a month ago and now my breasts won’t let down consistently. It frustrates us both but breaks my heart to see her struggle. And to top it off, now she will occasionally not accept the formula bottle. I pump, but only get about 2-4oz total (more on the 2 oz side). Since I go back to work next week, should I just pump exclusively? Maddie prefers the boob, but I can’t bear to see her work so hard anymore. However, I’m afraid my supply will dwindle with the combo of going back to work and not breastfeeding. Any advice? It’s been a gut wrenching journey.