The pill and diarrhea...

So, if you find this gross, I apologize, but I generally need answers and advice. Okay, so I’ve been taking birth control pills for close to a year now and have been very good about not missing pills and taking them on time.

This last week, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ve had on and off diarrhea starting on January 7th. I’ve only had diarrhea anywhere from 0-2 times a day, and it’ll come and go. I take my pill at 8:00pm every night and didn’t have diarrhea usually until the next morning.

2 days ago (less than 48 hours ago), after I thought I was better (6 days of no diarrhea), my fiancé and I had sex with a condom (to be safe), but it broke and he came in me. I thought I was fine because it had been days since I was sick and I was still taking my pill.

However, the diarrhea started back up again today. It was still 10 hours after I took my pill, but I’m scared about the possibilities of being pregnant since diarrhea can prevent your pill from being absorbed.

I thought about buying Plan B, but if my pill isn’t being absorbed, how would Plan B work if it, too, can’t be absorbed?

So, I guess what I’m asking is, am I worrying too much? Should I buy Plan B? Should I see my doctor? I wouldn’t be able to talk to her until Monday though. What do you all recommend? I’m worried and would appreciate any advice.