This is just my confession...

I’m 4 months preggers, already have a baby boy. But you know what’s my pet peeve is when people say “team girl”, “omg I hope it’s a girl”, “I can’t wait to see her”, “girls are so cute to dress up”. Like first of all where were you when I had my son? 🤔 you never visited, claim yourself as family but he doesn’t even know who you are. Now that he’s a little bigger they try to teach him that they are “auntie” the one time they see him every 6 months. Plus it shouldn’t matter what team it is as long as the baby is healthy that should only matter. So what if I have another boy I’d be very happy, he’d be loved no matter what. As well as being a baby girl❤️

Idk it’s been brought up more and more and this shit just gets on my nerves...that is all. Rant over🤣