Cycle Day 75 after stopping BC

I tested negative this morning. I had gotten off the phone with my mom yesterday and something she said made me want to test. Even tho I knew it was going to be negative. And today I'm standing next to my God Son play pen and all of a sudden he pokes my belly. He started doing it these past couple days. And so I bend down and boop his nose and tell him to boop mine. But when I stood back up he kept poking my stomach. At one point he started hitting on it and said "baby" loud and clear. I laughed it off. Eventually he lifted my shirt a couple times and kept saying yes and rubbing my belly. And even hugged it. Before I walked away he began to speak to it in his baby language and at that point his mom and I was like "are you trying to tell us something." We never heard him say baby before. So it did throw us for a ride there. And I know they say babies know. But at the same time. Im still here waiting for AF to finally make her appearance so that I know I'm ovulating. I heard the pull out method doesn't fully work. But I dont think my boyfriend has precum. Because I never see it. He decided recently that he no longer wants to try for a baby.