
Balee • Pastry chef, wife, and mother of a beautiful 3 year old!
This is pretty much a first in my life. I have always been a happy person with plenty to do and I love keeping busy. That being said, I have been off of work due to gestational hypertension since 23 weeks. I am now 37. I have done really well up until now with finding things to keep me busy and what not. 
I have 3 year old daughter and I really love her dearly but I am so sick of doing the same thing most days. Wake up, clean house, watch cartoons, play games, cook dinner, fight my kid into bed, watch her get out of bed 10 times before she goes to sleep... I'm just sick of it. I miss my career... I've spent my entire morning just crying because I can't get any time to myself. I've been just laying in bed while my daughter plays with my husband. You would think that would make me happy, but it doesn't. 
I'm finding it difficult to even be excited about our son that could be here at any time. I'm just ready to get my life back to normal.. 
We are going to spend the day at the community pool and I can't even get excited about that. 
Any tips for pulling yourself out of this? I mean serious tips. I'm not looking for things to keep me busy because I have tried that. I always come back to this depression though.. This just isn't like me at all..