Supply drop? :(


Help! My almost 3mo has been in daycare for a week and a half and has been drinking bottled breast milk with no problem while he's there. I pump at work every 2-3 hours and get anywhere from 50ml-100ml when I'm able to pump for 12 minutes (as a teacher it's harder to pump for longer than that...) and I even to go breastfeed him at the daycare at lunch time. I nurse him when I drop him off and pick him up. I know that sometimes supply goes down when the mom goes back to work but I'm like ahhh! I'm down to 120ml of frozen milk left in the freezer, and he's drinking 120ml bottles at daycare... needing 2-3 per day. I can't keep up. I don't know what to do! Do I have to start supplementing with formula? I really don't want our breastfeeding journey to end yet... thanks for any tips.