Moving to her own room?


Needing good advice here for a FTM... Baby girl is going on one month old and healthy, aside from weight issues early on (corrected by switching to formula as I couldn't produce enough milk). She'll likely grow to be petite, as she's still hovering around 7 pounds. From birth, she's slept in our room in a bassinet. She's quite the noisy sleeper, so Dad and I wake frequently during the night to every snort or sigh, on top of her waking regularly every three to four hours for a feeding. Dad feels that we should move her to her own room and crib at one month, but I am hesitant as she seems too young yet. However...her room is directly across the hall from ours, we have audio-only monitors, her crib has nothing in it (aside from a tight fitted sheet on a firm mattress), and we always put her on her back to go to sleep - she even likes a pacifier to help her doze off. These all seem acceptable and perfect practices for when it comes to avoiding SIDS, except for her age. I'm not sure if my hesitancy is well-founded or if it's just FTM jitters. Please help!