I need help with my bf.. any advice?

I’m 13 and my bf and I will be dating for a month next Friday. The problem is we can’t see each other that often bc we r long distance, but only 35 minutes away.

Idk what to do bc we text all the time and I always have to start the conversations, or we never talk until like 10 o’clock at night.

One time, instead of texting me, he put his # on his Snapchat for anyone to text him.. and I’m scared that it would be a girl.

Idc if they are just friends bc I have a lot of guy friends, but I just feel like he is just dating me and is going to break up with me once he finds someone better.

He makes me rlly happy and he says he loves me, but we never talk at allllllll.

Yesterday, I invited him to meet me at the mall with my friends, and he could bring a friend. However, his friend wasn’t aloud to go and he didn’t even text me that he wasn’t going.

I had to text him “r u coming” and then 10 minutes later he said “no bc my friend couldn’t come so I’m just not gonna go”

Which makes me stressed bc I feel like he never wants to hang out with me.

When I got home, I asked if he wanted to FaceTime and he said he was playing a board game with his family. So I asked later and he said yeah, but he never texted me back.

He doesn’t greet me good morning and good night.

He doesn’t ask how I’m doing.

I have texted him before abt us not talking, but he always just agrees and then doesn’t do anything.

He makes me happy when he texts me, but that’s rarely. But then he gives me anxiety when he doesn’t text me until 10pm when Ik he’s on his phone.

I rlly care abt him and I wanna work things out. But the more I honk abt it I don’t know if this is a bad relationship.

I want to talk to him abt it... but I just don’t know how to start the conversation.
