Clinton is 7 months old!

Amelia • Mom to Clinton. Pregnant with Boy #2. Wife. Educator. Feminist. Ojibwe. Gymnastics, Dance & Cheer Coach. Punk Rock. Pisces Sun. Leo Moon. Writer. PPD Advocate. Vegan Baker. Christian. Humanist.

Hello world, I am 7 months old! Last month I weighed 16 lbs. and I’ve definitely plumped up since then! I am rolling all over the place, so my Grandpa Jack got me a big playpen to roam around. I love my jumpy jumpy and I will jump all over you when you hold me. I am doing Baby Lead Weaning and I love sliced banana, steamed sliced carrots, Puffs, and mashed potatoes. I am still great at nursing and mom loves our special bond. Daddy is my favorite jungle gym and I love squealing at grandma and grandpa! I can say “mama” and “ba ba” and I’m working on “da da” (Daddy hopes I get it soon).