Am I unreasonable?

Before I got pregnant, due to my low sex drive, I told my SO that I’d give him one BJ a week. Just to keep him happy if I wasn’t up for sex. I manage to keep this up during my pregnancy, only missing a week or so, but he would totally freeze me out if I forgot or remind me that I owe him one meaning if OWE him two the following week.

Now I’ve had the baby, he says I OWE him 6 due to missing the weeks after birth and the weekend I was in hospital actually birthing his child. He basically reminds me all the time that I owe them him and it’s starting to get me down. He does nothing sexually for me, even goes as far as defending himself saying I got the child what more could I want.

Am I wrong for feeling belittled by him?

He also makes fun of me most of the time but says it’s just how he shows love.

He was amazing in the beginning weeks after birth (making me meals, cleaning, doing the washing ect) but now he’s back at work I get no help. He changes like 2 nappies a day and complains when chores aren’t done due to a bad day with the baby.

I kind of feel helpless 😞

Sorry for the rant