A long journey...

Kayla • Wife to the best man and mother of a strong willed boy, three angels in heaven and we have our rainbow on the way in 2020. 🌈

My husband and I are grateful and blessed to have a 7 year old son and we’ve always wanted to have another child. We first started trying in May 2016 and we immediately got pregnant. But unfortunately it became a tragic loss for us. I was lucky to have a career change opportunity that arose in May of that year so we decided to wait at least a year before we tried again. So in July of 2017 I had my IUD removed and we began the process of ttc. We got a BFP at the beginning of December. Unfortunately I started having issues and started bleeding early on, this one too ended in a loss. It was a tubular pregnancy and I was told I should not have woken up that Friday morning due to the rupture and blood loss. After months of constant blood work, tests, imaging and also chemo I was finally cleared and had normal labs in April. We waited a month and started the journey of ttc again. After months of trying and me beginning to loose hope, I finally decided to just let everything go. I quit really tracking my days to the T. I would periodically check the calendar but that was it. I wouldn’t stress about bd and just tried to relax. And ya know just enjoy the holidays with my family. Well I my period was due on Tuesday January 8th. I decided to test the day before and I got a very very very faint line. I said I’ll wait and see if AF shows up and if not I’ll retest. That same night I started having some dark blood just like AF. 😐 This continued but was short and really lite. I honestly didn’t think much about it because things have been off since the second loss. A week later my boobs started hurting, this was unusual. I decided to take a test yesterday and I got a strong positive. A BFP!!

But I am still cautious because it’s early and because we’ve had two losses now. We are beyond grateful and blessed to have our son but growing our family would also be a blessing.