Am I over reacting? Husband was snap chatting a co worker but didn’t mention it and deleted the history that even showed he had ever snapped her... But I have no other reason not to trust him..

This is long and all over the place so sorry! Any advice??

If you have a seemingly good relationship, your SO works from home in a office but also works at my parents restaurant when they need help, we still have sex etc but snaps people from work, but usually mentions them but deleted the snaps (they automatically delete but he deleted the history that they had even snap chatted from one female “co worker” but I see it because it shows "best friends " and he says it was innocent snaps and chat would you believe him? I don't. He thinks I'm being crazy, and jealous for no reason and says he could see where it looks bad but it was innocent. His mom is coming down out of state and will be here around 5 pm and I'm throwing his sister baby showers at our house tomorrow. I'm about ready to pack a few bags up for me and my kids and leave. What should I do? Am I overreacting?

He said he just cleared it. But mine and his other friends names where still there just not hers. He said he knows how I react so he hid deleted it so I wouldn’t get upset. But I’m actually very trusting and don’t get super jealous the only reason it’s a big deal is because he hid it.


He then responded with “Well anything I say you won’t take as being honest.. everything was innocent the most inappropriate thing sent was me sending a picture of patters (our weenie dog) saying check out my wiener that’s all. All the other things where about this stupid overtime and when I talk to anyone else it’s usually. Normally about work only too. I only cleared the snaps so I didnt have a overwhelming response from you but looks like I still got what I didn’t want to happen due to my actions seeming shady.. I’m sorry that I have broken your trust I am super stressed out right now working these long hours to provide for our family.. but if you don’t trust me and want to leave me in a empty house alone do what you have to do.. . Yes I made a friend and have not said anything about it yet she has a young daughter I believe Maylees age (he’s saying she has a child the same age as our child and I guess both children act goofy) and she has said she is goofy like our kid is. “

He swears it was all innocent talk and has since deleted snap chat. It’s all telework so they work online together but haven’t worked together in person. He goes into the office 1 time a month but she’s on a different team so she goes into the office once a month also but on another day. Apparently they were on the same case and talked about work online and then exchanged snap chats. He’s done this before with other co-workers but it’s been men, and older ladies that I knew about and he didn’t feel the need to hid. He thought I would get jealous since it was someone our age and says even though it was innocent he just swiped and deleted because he didn’t feel the need to make me jealous over nothing....

Still seems ridiculous to me. But I haven’t found anything else to make me not trust him besides this one incident.

Edit: we were both taking pictures with his snapchat..I happened to see who he’d last snapped and then when he went to send ours to his sister and a friend it showed his snap best friends and the top best friend wasn’t on there. The phone was in his hand when I seen it.