What is going on...

Two weeks ago (Friday) I got a positive digital test (1-2 weeks clear blue conception indicator)...the following Tuesday I went the doc and she did two tests both faint but positive....friday just gone I started spotting..rang doc and she said to do another test,cud be pregnancy isn't progressing or implantation as I'm still very early (5 wks) Anyway I did 3 tests, again all clear blue...one digital and again said pregnant 1-2 weeks and 2 line tests that came up positive but again faint but stronger then the doctors tests! I started bleeding lightly Friday evening ..not enough to fill pad..only when I wiped..no cramps or pain or clots...rang the maternity hospital er and they said it's normal, unless I'm bleeding heavy and I need to change pads (which I didn't..wore same pad for full day not much blood on it) and in pain. Light bleeding continued til this afternoon and then randomly stopped for a total of 4 hours...but now I'm spotting light pink when I wipe...I've to ring the doc tomorrow but does all this sound like it cud end bad?