
Mikayla • 20♈️ happily taken🖤 mommy of 1🤱🏻❤️💜

So my so went to a concert with his best friend tonight. That doesn’t bother me. But what does is, he’s currently in college until 2020, we have a daughter due in 4 months and the dealership he works at just laid him and that same friend off, so no job at the moment. He knows we still need stuff for our daughter, we went out “shopping” the other night, and I was showing him simple things we needed and got told he can’t get it right now and I mean like $10 for some bottles or pacifiers or a $15 box of diapers. Simple shit he couldn’t get cause he’s “broke” but he just spent $50 on a fucking sweatshirt at this concert. How would you respond?