He didn't respond to any messages!!!***revealing pictures!

Nikoletta • 4/23/12❤ Mommy to an Angel baby as of September 7th, 2018 at 10 wks 👼 TTC Rainbow baby💛

Let me just say, I sent this to my boyfriend while he was at work and as soon as he got home mannnn, did he give it to me😍

He was super busy Friday so I knew he read/opened them, but he never responded so I was super worried he didn't like them. Afterwards he told me he opened the first one and put his phone down so quick incase someone else saw it😭😂

I always feel so self conscious and I've been working out for the past two weeks doing 100 sit ups a day/squats/ everything..... since after my miscarriage I gained alot of weight and hadn't been to work in 4 months. I finally went back to work last Monday and am starting to feel so much more confident in my own skin. Still have a long way to go, But I am getting there.