Just need to vent


So, I love my SO soooo freaking much but I am so tired of asking him to do something and him telling me no “just because I asked”. For example, tonight we found a mouse in one of our mouse traps. He takes it outside and comes right back in. I asked if he took it to the dumpster and he said no he just left it on the porch. I asked him if he could please take it to the dumpster because I’m going to let our dogs out soon and didn’t want them getting to the dead mouse. We have a bloodhound and her nose always gets her into everything. He says they can’t get to it... it’s BS because there’s not a single place on our porch that the dogs can’t get to. Not to mention it’s gross to leave a dead animal on our porch all night! But I let it sit for a bit and decide to not let the dogs out. Then as I’m getting ready for bed I ask him again to please take it out to the dumpster tonight so the dogs don’t get it in the morning. He says no, I say please and we go back and forth about it for a bit then he finally says “I’m not doing it because you’ve asked me five times now”... well I wouldn’t have to ask you five times if you would just freaking do it!!!!

And that’s just one example, I can’t ask him to take out the trash, start a load of laundry, sweep the floors, set out meat for dinner, let the dogs in or out, or ANYTHING because he becomes defiant like a little kid just because I asked him to do something. All of this might make me sound like I’m lazy and I should just do it, but I take care of everything. I’m the one keeping the house clean. I’m the one taking care of the dogs. I’m the one basically keeping both of us functioning so would it kill him to just do ONE little thing that I ask of him? If we’re working on a vehicle together and he needs help, I help. If he’s fixing something around the house and needs help, I’m right there doing whatever he needs when he asks so would it kill him to give me the same respect?! I would even accept a “not right now, but I will later”.

If anyone made it this far sorry for the long post, I just had to vent 😡