What is this feeling?! Help.

Lynmari • Whatever God has planned ❤️
Okay so my husband and I have been trying to conceive baby #3 for the past 3 years. I have been diagnosed with PCOS and because of that I have been prescribed Meformin, Letrezole and Ovidrel. This is my second cycle with this plan so far. Last time they did a 12 day ultrasound and found 2 follicles sizes 18mm and no luck with a baby. This time around they found 2, sizes 22mm and 18mm. I did the shot Friday night and timed intercourse for Saturday and Sunday. So far, everything has gone smoothly. But today (Sunday)  I have been experience sharp pains in what I believe are my ovaries (or pelvic) I didn't  experienced anything like this during this plan. Is this normal? Is it bad? Have any of you experienced anything like this and got pregnant? Thank you for taking the time read this and hopefully help me out!