Early signs of pregnancy - Trying to Conceive

Nina N • 37 trying to conceive since August 2013
Early Signs of Pregnancy - Trying to Conceive
I know what it's like when you have to wait to find out if you are pregnant. One day can seem like forever. Obsessing over all the different early pregnancy symptoms listed in your pregnancy book or online. Trying to convince yourself that you have even just one of them when you feel absolutely fine in reality. But then again, your toothpaste did taste funny this morning, didn't it? And you have been drinking coffee lately when you usually drink tea.. And on it goes, day after day until finally, you get your period.You cry, you feel frustrated, maybe a little angry and still you know you will go through the whole painful routine again next month (that is if you are actually trying to conceive) torturing yourself with all the early signs of pregnancy known to man. It's not fair, it seems that everyone else you know is pregnant, everywhere you look are pregnant women and yet..While there are only a few way's to definitely detect pregnancy, there are some early pregnancy signs that give a good indication of possible pregnancy. Without trying to provide false hope with this article I would like to state that if you suspect that you are pregnant you should consult your medical professional, if you are waiting to find out please remember, it can take a long time for a healthy couple to conceive and the signs and symptoms of pregnancy below are just that, possible signs. Every pregnancy is different, you may be pregnant and have no symptoms, you may have all the symptoms and not be pregnant yet.