Second femara cycle

Question for anyone on femara. ttc baby#1. I have a history of mild endometriosis. I have trouble ovulating on my own. I’m current on my second cycle of femara. 1st cycle was induced with provera and I took 2.5mg femara cd 3-7. I didn’t get a positive opk until cd27. Two weeks later af came on her own. Dr increased the dose to 5mgs this cycle and everything is just off to me. I started spotting on cd 17...called nurse and she said “this can be normal, just call us back if the bleeding becomes heavy but continue to take the opks”. Spotting lasted from cd 17-19. Yesterday, cd 26, I started having ovary pain on both sides and later started spotting again. I’m now on cd 27....and still no positive opk and not even a rise in estrogen. I don’t know what to think about his cycle. Has anyone ever had anything like this happen? I really feel like giving up.

Would you all call the dr again?

I feel like I’ve gotten to a point where I’m constantly bothering her about something.