Sleeping Rant


I just need somewhere to vent.

For the last 3 weeks, nearly 4 weeks now, my daughter's sleep has changed (due to teething, 6-mo sleep regression, and leap 5). She'd been sleeping from approx 9pm-7am without waking up once from about the time she was 3 months. Now we can't get her down until closer to 11 pm and every 1-3 hrs she's waking up needing help going back to sleep. Luckily, usually putting her pacifier back in and rubbing/patting her tummy or back for a minute or two is all it takes. However, between my husband and I, I'm the only one who hears her fussing. So I'm getting up numerous times a night while he sleeps away. I also have a hard time falling back to sleep right away. And then sometimes he snores. Right in my ear. I get so annoyed/angry/frustrated in the middle of the night. I'm about to tell him that I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom for one night and he can get up with her - I don't doubt she'd eventually get loud enough to wake him (I personally don't let her reach that point it I can help it so she goes back down that much faster). But I feel guilty thinking that. I don't think he's aware of how often I'm getting up to help her. I know it's not his fault that he's a deep sleeper and I'm a light sleeper. So I usually don't bring it up but last night was particularly rough so I just needed to vent.

Also, no I can't really nap when she does during the day. I don't like to take naps and if I try, it usually takes me a long time to calm down and by the time I get to sleep, she's waking up from her nap.

Her 2nd tooth just popped thru and she was officially out of leap 5 as of Saturday night so I have my fingers crossed that her sleep goes back to normal soon 😴😴