Sharp Pulling Abdominal Pain


This morning when I got up I started feeling a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I tried moving around to see what made it hurt. It hurts to stretch that muscle in any slightest way. It worries me because several months ago (maybe 4-6 months) I got extreme pain in my lower right abdomen to where I could barely breath or move my legs without excruciating pain. I went to the ER and they said it was probably just a cyst and my uterus was possibly twisted. With that being said, pains like that scare me but I’m not being dramatic. The pain is at about a 6/10 when I move that area. I’m on the pill and I was supposed to get my period yesterday but it never came (however, this is my first month on bc so I assume my body is regulating itself). I had unprotected sex about 2-3 weeks ago and 2 days ago. Should I be worried? I don’t think I’m pregnant because I take my pill PERFECTLY and my boyfriend pulls out when we don’t use a condom (and yes I know there’s still a chance so please know rude comments). Just a little worried and looking for any advice/concerns.