He’s going to leave his wife for me, but I don’t know if I want to end my relationship with my boyfriend😩 help

Here’s how it all started..

Me (21) and my partner (22) of 19months had been having issues because I wasn’t working and wasn’t doing anything with my life after I had an abortion as I was depressed, so he breaks up with me says he can’t deal with how needy I am and how much time I wanna spend with him and said that I love him more than he loves me.

The next day I beg him not to leave me, I was devastated, he takes me back and I knew he didn’t want too I knew he just felt bad for me. Anyway so I get a job at a cafe and make really good friends with the owner who is going through a divorce. I started a make up course because I want to be a make up artist, I sorted myself out.

And these work men come in everyday, and one of them (34) wearing a wedding ring starts smiling at me every time he comes in and every time he walked past making it obvious that he was flirting, and I flirted back. This has been going on for about 4 and a half months and for the last two months I haven’t been able to get him out of my head. last week he asked for my number, I gave it to him, he told me he’s been thinking about me for months too, I told him I couldn’t do that to my boyfriend and he said he would never do that to his wife, we’ve been texting for a week now and he’s been coming into the cafe to see me, and then he tells me yesterday that he’d told his wife he isn’t happy anymore and isn’t in love with her anymore and she has told him to leave. He’s told me he’s falling for me and at times I feel the same, but then I think about my boyfriend and think about how/if it’s gonna hurt him. Does he still feel how he felt 5 months ago? Would it even hurt him? I don’t even know how I feel yet, I haven’t slept with this guy yet so how can I know how I really feel yet, am I just feeling this way because I’m getting some attention? Because I know he didn’t wanna be with me a few months ago? I just need someone’s, anyone’s advice, please, don’t judge me