What to Expect at Fertility Appointment

For those of you who feel that your OBGYN or RE is awesome, aggressive, and thorough,  can you tell me what types of tests, ultrasounds, etc... were done for you while you were ttc? For example, while taking meds like Femara/Clomid, what type of monitoring was done? I am going to a new doctor that it highly recommended in my area and I just want to know what types of treatment I should expect. I just don't want to waste another five months with a provider who isn't doing enough. I already know that I have low progesterone and have been taking suppositories, but I feel that the dose is too low to really make a difference. Also, because I chart like a boss (haha) I KNOW that I am not ovulating regularly, so I'm wondering what type of monitoring should be done to confirm this, especially while taking fertility meds.