Trying to figure out my “days post...”

Hi ladies !! I need some help trying to understand how to count the number of days post ovulation I am and late AF is. I know, it’s silly (and I’m 30 so should know LOL) but we’re TTC our first and as keeping track of everything was never really on my radar until now I want to make sure I’m counting these days right.

AF should have came on 1/16 .. do I count from that day as being late or the following day? App says I’m 3 days late but when I count myself I somehow get 5 or 6 days??? PS - I tested Saturday 1/19 and BFN on digital and non digital clear blue tests.

I had a peak OPK at 6:30am on 1/3 and as we know the result stays for 48 hours, this app charted O on 1/4. But, do I count from the 3rd or 4th? Should I consider myself to be 18DPO or 19DPO?

Sorry if I sound .. silly .. but any helpful advice is appreciated !! 💕

Update: figured why the app says 3 days late.. I accidentally confirmed AF and when I went to change it and logged “no spotting” I just noticed the dotted lines appeared under the 18th, so the app is counting, then, from the first full day late figuratively the 19th. Ugh.