Should I test?


Hello everyone. So I had sex with my SO a day before my ovulation day and the same exact day of my ovulation (he pulled out but He came like a second after he did) , My period was supposed to come 5 days ago and I literally don't feel it coming, I ussually get craps 2 days prior my period but I didn't get any this time. Yesterday and today I've started to feel kinda moody, and having sore breast, also ate a pizza wich I love and trew up, started to feel kinda nauseous every now and then, I didn't have any implantation bleeding before but I know that it can be different for everybody. I had a month without eating Mcdonalds bc I'm trying to get in shape for summer lol, but last week I was craving it so bad, and went for it. Could I be pregnant? Do you think I should test? Has anything of these happen to any of you? Please comment down below. Sending love and blessings to y'all ❤️