Help, is divorce the answer?


My husband and I got married in August of 2018. We have a one year old next month. We’ve been through so much and kinda just got married because it was convenient. We love one another but idk if it’s the right kind of love. He drinks a lot and just quit smoking due to wanting to join the air force. He’s only doing so because he’s done so many stupid things drunk, we fight every time because he blocks out, he’s crashed his truck, he calls me a piece of shit constantly. He wants and is supposed to be the provider and has no ambition to work it seems. And isn’t even bringing in enough to pay our bills. So I opened a business part time doing eyelashes and doing daycare for a little boy to bring in some income. And raise our son. And meanwhile he works 5-8 hours a night Sunday through Thursday. I still do everything around the house, he doesn’t seem to lift a finger, I still go to the gym, take clients, and raise the kiddos. I can’t even talk to him with out him freaking out, and when we argue he tells me to take his ring off, I’m worthless, I do nothing, raising a child isn’t a job, he wants a divorce, I don’t think either of us are truly happy, when we’re not arguing we’re sitting at home watching tv just relaxing. I have to beg him to go to the park or do anything. I fill out applications for him, do his laundry, pay the bills, basically anything and everything you could do for a man I do! 😩 help!!

He refuses counseling, and idk what to do he’s about to join the air force because he thinks it’ll get his act together but he doesn’t understand that we’re leaving my whole family, support and life, and I’m going to be the one alone, with the kids, basically doing what I am now in different states.