Panicked over age

Julie • Age 38 one round of chlomid and loss twins at ten weeks.. second round of clomid and now expecting a baby boy.

Hi ladies ! Some positive insights!!! I’m 39 in March no issues I ovulate on my own. Husband is 41 no sperm issues. We were given clomid because of age and first round I conceived and lost twins. Tried naturally October- December. Took clomid again and did a follicle count. RE is thrilled !!!!! All looks good ! Three large follicles and risk for twins again. Got my period yesterday which about broke me. Doctor said my uterine lining is thick and I respond really well to clomid. I don’t need a follicle count this month. Already worried bout age doctor said not to worry for a few more years . Today my 51 year old brother told me I was way too old , I missed my chance and I need to move on. Needless to say I’m super upset tonight. Need to hear from mamas who had babies later. Thank you .