Creamy CM *TMI warning* and Ov question


Has anyone experienced it or heard of ovulating before LH surge? I had many O symptoms on Monday before my first surge on Tuesday. Then not really any O symptoms.

And that brings me to the CM...

If I O’d when glow says on Thursday (because I logged multiple LH surges) I’d be 4dpo. And lots of this CM! No odor also.

If I O’d when maybe I thought I did then I’d be 7dpo 🤞🏻 implantation sign maybe?

Let me know your thoughts and stories!!

Also back story: I’ve been TTC for 12months (this month), I had one chemical in May. Weirdly... in April I was on antibiotics for a mesenteric lymph infection. And during my period early this month I got BV and took antibiotics for that. Soooo it would be interesting to see if I was pregnant and the similar situations.