“I just want my mom”
Hopefully this doesn’t get too long!
I was scheduled to be induced on Jan 16th at 8pm. I was 40+6 when I delivered our baby. This was my longest pregnancy (other two came early on their own) I was doing everything in the book of these home remedies to induce labor naturally. None of it worked. I was miserable and I decided to throw the towel in! So I decided that I would just relax the days leading to my induction. Seriously I slept in, took naps, stopped doing my evening walks I was over it. So on Tuesday the 15th I had been up on the couch watching tv. I felt a gush and I thought “oh it’s just this normal discharge I had been having” I cleaned myself up and 15 minutes later it happened again. Now I’m thinking my water broke I called the L&D nurse and she advised me to come in. I woke up my husband at 1am and called my mom to come stay at our place for the older kids. We arrive at the hospital at 2am. I have slight contractions but nothing crazy. The nurse is checking me and putting the strip inside and says I see fluid coming out but the strip isn’t changing colors. The pad underneath me was soaked. So we both thought it broke, doctor comes in does a pelvic exam and an ultrasound tells me “nope it’s just mucus” tell me I’m dilated to a 2 70% effaced and a -1. they send me home. Before I leave the nurse says “I have a feeling you’ll be back before tomorrow’s scheduled time”
As I’m walking down the hall I’m starting to get painful cramp like contractions. I ignore them and just want to get home in my bed. My husband wakes up for work at 4am and by the time we get home it’s 3:45, I begged him not o go to work I was in real pain. Oh I should mention at the hospital my contractions were ever 8 minutes than 2 minutes. No joke that was my pattern. So he’s trying to sleep and the entire night I’m having painful contractions that are getting closer like every 6 minutes then ever 1.5 minutes. I tried taking a hot bath twice I was moaning and groaning in pain. By 6:30 I was telling my husband something is wrong you gotta take me back in. We get there at 7:09 and I’m cussing and moaning in so much pain the same nurse from earlier comes in but she’s about to be off says she thinks it’s true labor now. My Husband went to park the car from the unloading zone and they tell me I’m dilated to a 5-6. She started the IV so quick and I was begging for anything in my IV to help the pain and if I could have an epidural!
I’m moved to the delivery room the nurse comes in gives me something in my IV and tells me that I’m 2nd in line for the epidural. So with Kaiser when you’re getting the epidural it’s only you the doctor and nurse in the room. No family. I’m on the verge of tears at this point (because I’m scared and in pain) that I tell the nurse “I just want my mom! I know I’m a grown ass woman and mother but I just want my mom” 😂😂😂 within 6 minutes he had me pain free and laying on my side. After that the nurse checks me and says you’re a 6. Okay perfect i can get some sleep! At 12:10pm I felt the baby break my water! Nurse checks me I’m now a 7. At 12:50 I call her to tell her I feel pressure like I have to poop she checks and said you’re a 9.5 honey we are setting up for delivery. It took me 90 minutes to push this baby out! My contractions were 6 minutes apart lasting about 2-3 minutes long!! I was exhausted from no sleep and starving! All of the pain and waiting was worth it!

My little Puerto Rican/Mexican Pecan 😂
8lb 1oz 20.25 inches
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.