i was going to have twins 😭💔

marie_144 • Jace michael born December 12, 2017 ♥️ Baby #2 due January 21,2020 💕😁

so i thoughg i was 4 weeks and 5 days . i started cramping really bad light bleeding then it started getting worse the cramps were getting unbareble 😢 i went to the hospital last night at 2 in the morning to find out i was having a miscarriage they did a blood test to see how much blood i had lost since i was looking pretty pale . they did an ultrasound and turned out i was 5 weeks 2 days she said there were 2 yolk sacs which means there was two babies . when i went to my appt they said i need anrepeat ultrasound to make sure everthing has passed . 😭 im torn apart . i have a one year old baby boy . and we wanted to try again . probably in june to have a march baby . currently in so much pain right now . thank you for the prayer request i asked for . i will for ever wish i couldve of carried my babies full term 😭 R.I.P My baby twins i love you so much ♥️😭