Is anyone 40 and TTC?

I am 40 years old and have had a tubal reversal done 7 months ago. I have two children ages 12 and 13. I decided when my youngest was a year old after I divorced his father to get my tubes tied. Now a blast from my past (the love of my life) and I have been together for 2 years and we are TTC. He has never had children and I really would like another chance at raising a child with the loving household of two parents in love with each other. I have been a single mother for 11 years. (With my fiance's help for the past year) I'm praying that God blesses us with another one. I didn't even TTC with my other two. It's very emotionally draining for the last 6 months of actually trying.  Please let me know if anyone else is in their 40s.  Good luck to all