Drama 😡 gonna explode I swear 🌋


Needing to vent because I’m about to explode. My co workers wife told me I was the only person she trusted to watch her kids. I felt thought to be odd since me and her have never bonded over anything. But I thought maybe she was just trying hard to be my friend which I’m totally down for! I baby sat her kids for free once or twice and then yesterday she offered to pay me to baby sit them in the regular for a few hours three days a week. I wanted to help out and could use the income so I was like yeah I’ll definitely try to help out how much were you thinking pay wise? Her offer was a little low but she said she didn’t want to jip me and if I didn’t think it was a fair amount we could work on it. I didn’t know what to think cause I hate money stuff so I posted on a mom group from my home town and people were asking if she was friend or family. I never said her name and updated my post with an explanation of how I knew her. (See screen shot) i realize it was an over share,but I only wanted people to understand our dynamic, so people could help with what I should charge since relationship does make a difference. I NEVER EVEN SAID HER NAME THOUGH. She’s not apart of the Facebook group so idk how the hell she even saw it, I never said who it was or anything bad about the separation. I was literally just describing how I know her. This morning she says she changed her mind after I offered her generously lowered rate. Ok cool whatever no skin off my back, then in the noon she messages me this.

I hate girls like this. And I hate that she thinks not using me as a babysitter is some big thing. Like wtf. I don’t need your fucking drama. AND THEN, I share with my husband because I’m just really irritated at this whole thing and he says we’re both being stupid. 😡 I cut him off there and walked out. Sleeping on the couch tonight. he constantly “jokes” that I’m a drama queen and I’m tired of it. So sick of it. My whole life I’ve had shitty people screw me over and then tell me I’m being dramatic. I was trying to be a friend and help a gal out but this is what I get for being nice. Fucking whatever. 😒 and then I wonder why I have such bad social anxiety.