Abnormal Sperm Morphology 93% - Help!

Jani • South African | TTC since Oct 2017 for #1 | Two m/c since 2018

Today we got my husband’s sperm analysis results:

Sperm count: 19 million per mL

Amorphous (abnormal sperm shape/morphology): 93%

Normal Sperm: 5%

Motility (movement): 50%

All my results were normal with my AMH on the high side.

I want to know what we should do in terms of the way forward. I had a miscarriage a year ago and I read online that if an abnormal (amorphous) sperm manages to fertilize an egg, there is a higher chance of chromosomal abnormalities, which was found to be the likely cause of our previous miscarriage.

Should we continue trying to conceive the natural way at all? With already low chances of conceiving normally, are we not also running the risk of another miscarriage should I get pregnant again? Is it best to go straight to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with ICSI?

We have been trying for our first since October 2017. Would love to hear your opinion.