Period. Now period again 🤷‍♀️


Hi all, I’m thinking this is just probably down to having PCOS but thought I’d check in here anyway.

I started the gym in September and since starting the gym I have had a period on the 5/6th of every month 👏👏

My period on the 6th Jan was very light and just the brown stuff you get, for about 4 Days.

I have been poorly inbetween then and now either a tummy bug or food poisoning. Runny bum and sickness. And I haven’t felt right for about a week since. Yesterday I felt really poorly again feeling sick and a slight runny bum. And then I came on, properly this time quite bright blood.

Not sure If being poorly may have something to do with it? But it’s not even been two weeks since my last period. I did move house the beginning of Jan

Had any one else had this or is this just all part of the PCOS Life 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️