Can anyone tell if it is just a faint line or evaporated one?


Okay, ladies

I need your knowledge on the difference between the evaporation and the faint lines.

So, first of all, I was pregnant then I ended up miscarried at 12 weeks last Oct. it was my first ever pregnancy then I got my period four weeks later after the MC ended so my cycles are very normal. My boyfriend and I agreed to wait to try for a baby until I’m 100% ready mentally. But last night, I had a gut feeling that I should had taken a pregnancy test so I did it today. And then I got this result and to be honest, 30 mins later, I’m still in shock.

But the second line seems like a bit of fainted so I’m not sure whether was it just a faint line or an evaporation line? Can anyone lend me their knowledge and tell me?

Thank you so so much for your time!