Total breastfeeding time

Abby • 27, wife- little girl born August 21, 2018. Little boy born November 7th, 2021

Hi guys! Quick question about total breastfeeding time. Up until recently, my now 5 month old would total between 2 and 3 hours of time on the breast. Now, I'm assuming some of that time was just sucking for comfort/sleep because up until recently she was nursing to bed/before naps.

This weekend we started sleep training and i got her back on a wake, eat, play, sleep routine. When I look back at her total breastfeeding time the past couple of days, it's down to between 48 minutes and an hour. She's still having at least 6 pee diapers. Is this normal? Was she really spending that much time sucking for comfort? 😅

Side note: I'm not worried, if i was I would contact her pediatrician. More surprised I guess? Wondering if this is enough time on average and if other moms have noticed the same thing. TIA

Here's my now well rested baby ❤