Refusing bottle going back to work


I am at a loss. My baby is 3.5 months old. I have been breastfeeding him since day one and he's had a bottle the first 2.5 months once each night. I stopped giving him a bottle end of December since he started sleeping more so we didn't need to give it to him.

Well fast forward to now- I go back to work tomorrow. I started him at daycare yesterday to give him and I as few days to adjust. He didn't eat a single bottle yesterday at daycare. Today we have a snow day so they are closed. I decided to only feed him a bottle today during the times he should be at daycare and he is still refusing the bottle.

I have tried the milk from each month I have pumped as well as milk from this morning (since I have heard old milk gets refused sometimes for a reason I forget).

I have tried different flows.

I have tried different temperatures

I have tried 5 different bottles

I don't know what to do. I don't want him to starve but I can't afford to stay home. I am only going to work party time right now but eventually will be gone for 10 hours at a time. I can't have him not eat for that long! I'm completely lost and getting very frustrated. 😭