2 1/2 weeks until term and feeling it!

Kat • Eliana Lynn 03/05/2019🌈💖 Alexander James 06/15/2020🌈💙 Amelia Elizabeth 03/24/2022🌈💖

I’m 34+3, with only roughly 2 1/2 weeks until 37 I’m definitely feeling it. I’m a ftm, and have had the opposite of an eventful pregnancy. I’ve never even experienced a Braxton Hick until now. Well the last couple of days things are finally feeling different. I’ve had very light sporadic period like cramps on and off a couple times a day which I assume would be Braxton Hicks and she feels like she’s starting to put more pressure on my pelvis. It’s getting so real and it’s crazy to think that in 2 1/2 weeks it marks the start of our waiting game and she could potentially make her appearance ANY DAY! I’m crazy excited.

Just needed to share my excitement 🥰