Long distance help?!?

I love my boyfriend with all my heart. We’re currently long distance 3 hours and planning to move in together during the summer. The thing is that we both want to see each other every weekend but with work (I’m working with my dad and staying with his family because I just graduate college and life is rough lol) and the distance I wouldn’t mind seeing each other every other weekend. It would be difficult but for the best in the end! It’s just so stressful for me to have to travel every weekend and he doesn’t like to because I’m in NYC (he hates cities). My dad has also been trying to give me advice and while he’s not forcing me, he keeps suggesting I “give myself value” and stop going over there every weekend. The thing is my boyfriend is very much against this and sometimes can get a bit whiny lol. How can I speak to him and get him to understand? Perhaps in a month my schedule might ease up but in the mean time I think this is necessary. If I’m being honest with what I want I would like to see him every other weekend.